Repairing a Hot Water Slab Leak in an Allen, Texas Home

A leak in your home can be frustrating enough. But when the source remains hidden, well, that’s a whole new level of challenge. For instance, today’s featured project is a beautiful home built in 2002 in Allen, Texas.

Like those found all over North Texas, homes in Allen, Texas, can experience unstable soil conditions, which are made worse by our often dry weather conditions. Texas soil conditions can be tough on plumbing systems with copper water supply lines, which are durable but vulnerable to pinhole leaks when subjected to shifting soil. 

Our client, a loyal Legacy Plumbing customer since 2019, contacted us after noticing an alarming increase in water loss at their Allex, TX, home. We were expecting a slab leak and were ready to step in and solve the mystery.

Client Background: A Trusted Relationship

This wasn’t our first time working with the client; they’ve been a part of our Gold Plan since 2019, so we’ve enjoyed ensuring their home’s plumbing has stayed in top shape over the years. In October 2023, the client first noticed a minor issue—a small leak that resulted in the loss of about a gallon of water per hour. However, by March 2024, this minor issue had escalated significantly, with the client now losing about 3 gallons of water per hour and finding no visible leak source after checking all fixtures. Concerned about the leak’s location, the client called us to investigate and resolve the issue.

Issues and Challenges: Uncovering the Hidden Leak

The challenge in this project was the mysterious nature of the leak. Despite the significant water loss, no visible water was inside or outside the home. Our skilled technicians arrived promptly, ready to diagnose and fix the problem. After thorough inspection and pressure testing, we discovered that the leak originated from the hot water system. The source was a hot spot about 3 feet from the water heater in an office room above the garage.

Given the complexities of this two-story home, we faced a critical decision: Should we tunnel under the slab to fix the leak or reroute the affected hot water plumbing lines? After assessing the situation and considering the best long-term solution for the client, we opted for a reroute using PEX piping—a material known for its durability and flexibility, making it an ideal replacement for aging copper pipes.

Technical Overview: Understanding Copper Pipe Leaks and Rerouting

To better understand, let’s examine why copper pipe leaks and why rerouting with PEX is smart.

  1. Why Copper Pipes Leak: Copper piping, known for its reliability, was popular. However, it shows signs of wear and tear in many older homes. Factors like water acidity, high velocity, and soil conditions cause corrosion. This often leads to pinhole leaks. These tiny holes develop in the pipe walls, allowing water to escape. Over time, this can result in significant water loss.
  2. What Is Rerouting: Rerouting bypasses the damaged plumbing section by installing new pipes along a different path. Instead of digging under the slab and disturbing the yard and landscaping to reach the damaged pipes, we ran new PEX piping through the walls and ceilings. This approach minimizes disruption to the home and avoids the costly and invasive process of slab tunneling.
  3. The Benefits of PEX Piping: PEX, or cross-linked polyethylene, has become the go-to material for modern plumbing repairs. It’s flexible, resistant to scale and chlorine, doesn’t rust or develop pinholes, and can withstand hot and cold temperatures, making it an excellent replacement for copper.

Solution: A Multi-Phase Repair

With the problem identified, the focus turned to finding the best solution to restore the home’s plumbing. 

Phase 1: Diagnosing the Leak

Our priority was to locate the leak accurately. Using thermal imaging and pressure testing, we traced the issue to a hot water copper line running from the laundry area to the master bathroom. This line had developed a substantial leak, confirmed by pressure drops during testing.

Phase 2: Executing the Reroute

With the leak identified, our team proceeded with the reroute. We accessed the water heater manifold from the rear office wall and identified two 3/4″ hot water copper lines. We confirmed the exact line responsible for the leak through a series of pressure tests. We drilled through the top plates strategically, allowing us to run a new 3/4″ PEX line between the laundry area and the master bathroom.

Once the new line was in place, we rebuilt all the manifolds, carefully insulating the new piping. Before leaving, we tested the system thoroughly, ensuring there were no more leaks and that everything was functioning as expected. 

A Happy Client and a Leak-Free Home

The repair was a complete success. After our work, the water meter showed no further usage, confirming that the leak had been fully resolved. The client was extremely satisfied with the outcome, noting, “The team Legacy sent did an excellent job with minimal damage to drywall areas to resolve the issue. Cuts were done neatly and easily to replace/repair impacted drywall. All areas were clean when they left.” 

Continuing a Trusted Partnership

Thanks to our long-standing relationship with this client and our commitment to delivering high-quality, long-lasting solutions, we were able to address the issue quickly and effectively. The client can now enjoy peace of mind, knowing that their home is free from leaks and that they have a trusted partner in Legacy Plumbing for all their future plumbing needs.

Why Legacy Plumbing is the Top Choice in Allen, TX, for Slab Leak Detection and Repair

At Legacy Plumbing, we specialize in detecting and fixing various leaks, including those above and below slabs, in yards, and more. Our team uses advanced methods and tools, such as line tracing equipment and hydrostatic pressure tests, to pinpoint leaks precisely before making any necessary sheetrock penetration.

Located centrally in North Texas, Legacy Plumbing is strategically positioned to provide fast, reliable service to Allen and the surrounding suburbs. Our commitment to quality is reflected in the awards we’ve won, including the Living Magazine Reader’s Choice Best of 2024 award. We take pride in exceeding our customers’ expectations. 

Are you dealing with a slab leak or unsure if one is present? The experts at Legacy Plumbing are here to help. Contact us today to discuss your concerns and find the best solution for your home!



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