Drive less than 40 miles north of Dallas-Fort Worth, and you’ll find Denton. This medium-sized college town maintains an eclectic music, arts, and culinary scene while offering many family-friendly activities, such as historical tours, museums, hiking trails, and lakes.
Legacy proudly offers plumbing services to Denton residents living downtown and on the city’s eastern side. Our professional plumbing company is headquartered in Denton County.
Denton’s culturally vibrant reputation comes from its trio of universities: the University of North Texas, Texas Woman’s University, and North Central Texas College. Two colleges have been around for over a century, helping the city’s population grow to nearly 140,000.
The city is the northern gateway to the DFW metro area, offering small-town vibes with big-city opportunities just down the road.
Recent Plumbing Jobs in Denton, TX
Repairing Denton Plumbing
Denton real estate is among the priciest in the state of Texas, with a median home value of $321,000. About half of residents are homeowners.
Of the city’s home inventory, about 35 percent are new construction homes with large yards and an abundance of square footage. Large yards tend to have irrigation systems that need periodic maintenance, and bigger homes have more pipes and drains with the potential for more leaks—all plumbing work that Legacy is happy to help with. Our contractors are experts in the city code, so you can trust that our work will be accurate and permitted.
Another large batch of homes (roughly 47 percent) were built 25-50 years ago. While older homes have a lot of charm and architectural interest, they also have older pipes and may need kitchen and bathroom updates. Avocado green kitchens and powder blue bathrooms may have been in style during the “Brady Bunch” era, but not so much. Legacy plumbers can make your home feel like the 2020s by installing and repairing sinks, toilets, tubs — you name it.
As with all Texas residents, Denton homes are susceptible to slab leaks, which tend to happen with Texas’ clay-heavy soil. Clay has a large shrink-swell potential, which puts more pressure on underground pipes after periods of rain.
How to tell whether you have a slab leak: Look for flooring cracks, low water pressure, high water bills, or hot spots on the floor. If you experience any of these symptoms, call Legacy. We can detect and repair slab leaks before they become troublesome.
Denton recently adopted the 2021 edition of the International Plumbing Code. Legacy knows these plumbing rules inside and out.
Additionally, city residents must submit a permit for any plumbing work, which costs $50.
Denton Gas Repair & Service
Atmos provides natural gas to Denton, taking care of the supply pipe to your gas meter. However, you are responsible for any line running from the meter to your home.
If you smell gas in or around your home, leave immediately, call 911, and then call your provider at 888-322-8667.
Have you been smelling something unusual around your home, but it doesn’t quite smell like it does? Don’t shrug it off — it may still be gas! Call your friends at Legacy today so they can test the gas line and make any needed repairs quickly to keep you and your family safe.
Suppose you’re looking to replace your gas appliances. You could qualify for a rebate on a new system from your friends here at Legacy and from Atmos. For instance, we offer first-time customers $100 off water heater installations, and Atmos offers rebates on gas appliances such as furnaces, water heaters, and dryers.
Denton has a rebate offer for residents who install solar water heaters (30 percent off up to $300). To qualify, the water heater must be sized for a family of four at a minimum and have a permanently installed electric water heater backup.
Because many homes in Denton were built more than 20 years ago, you may be due for a new water heater, especially if you’re noticing your decline, such as brown water or leakage.
The city requires residents to submit a $50 permit to repair or replace a water heater.
Denton City Water Service
Denton maintains the city water to the water meter and sewer lines up to the property line. The city uses surface water from Lewisville and Ray Roberts lakes, and it performs regular monthly tests on the water supply to ensure that it is clean and meets all requirements.
The city is acutely aware of its responsibility to conserve water. It has a Lawn and Landscape Ordinance and has adopted its drought contingency plan. Denton officials ask that residents replace fixtures with WaterSense models that use 20 percent less water — a service that Legacy is happy to provide.
Free water-saving ways include installing a low-flow shower head, soaking dishes instead of rinsing, and switching your toilet for a low-flow model. Here are even more water-saving tips.
Denton even provides free in-home water audits for residents, where representatives scout for potential leaks and give you conservation tips. (This program is currently on hold due to COVID-19.)
Because the city charges on a sliding scale for water and sewer usage, it’s a good idea to listen for dripping faucets and running toilets. Leaks can add up if you’re not diligent.
The city does have a leak adjustment program to help you out in case of an undetected leak. You may be eligible for an adjustment of up to 100,000 gallons of excess usage, provided you repair the leak within a month of detection and apply for the adjustment within 60 days of the repair. The program does not cover outdoor water systems (such as pools and sprinklers).
The city asks that you report any water emergencies, such as major water leaks or sewer back-ups, by calling 940-349-7000. They will determine whether the city will make repairs before you hire a plumber.
Clogged drains are a major cause of plumbing repairs, and the city has a program to help keep grease out of the pipeline. If you fill a container with cooking oil, you can recycle it with Denton Recycles (they will even collect it curbside at no cost if you call 940-349-8080).
The city recommends pouring boiling water down the drains weekly to prevent clogs. It also suggests ensuring your sewer lateral clean-out cap is in good working condition, which Legacy can help with.
However, clogged drains can happen for other reasons, too, including tree roots that have penetrated the sewer line or older lines that need replacing. Our Legacy plumbers have cameras to help determine the problem before starting work.
BOOK Legacy Plumbing in Denton, TX
Therefore, our plumbing reputation in Denton County continues to grow each year.
Legacy plumbers are meticulously trained and licensed to handle all common plumbing repairs, whether they are pipe leaks or replacements. For this reason, we keep our trucks fully stocked so we can deal with any problem during one visit—we give it our all.
Most Denton plumbing repairs can be handled before they become expensive or dangerous. Put Legacy on speed dial today and find a reliable Denton plumber.
Recent Plumbing Jobs in Denton, Tx